
Diversity Statement

At VCU Libraries we are committed to providing a welcoming atmosphere to all as reflected in the VCU core values. We hold ourselves, as individuals and as an institution, accountable to listen to, seek to understand, make space for, and include people who reflect the vast diversity of all communities, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sex, gender identity and expression, sexuality, socioeconomic background, and the many more components that make us unique individuals.

We honor the academic freedom of all to explore ideas through research, scholarly discussion, and creative work. That said, we do not tolerate speech or action that disrespects, harms or shames others and makes them feel unwelcome here.

We recognize that the land our buildings occupy once belonged to the Powhatan people and that our country, and our city of Richmond as the former capital of the Confederacy, are built on a deep, long, and ongoing history of exploitation, prejudice, and marginalization. We recognize, too, that institutions of higher learning and libraries both have a history of exclusion. While we may not be able to correct these problems at the national level, we will work to improve ourselves for the benefit of the communities we serve. 

Our employees are not as diverse as the communities we serve, and we are currently developing policies and practices to help us recruit and retain a more diverse group. 

We acknowledge that creating and maintaining a welcoming and inclusive workplace where all people can feel they belong is a continuous process requiring lifelong personal and organizational engagement. We as an organization pursue this goal in a variety of ways, including:

Our initiatives and also this statement will evolve. Thank you for being a part of our communities, and we welcome your feedback.