
Academic Learning Commons extends open hours to expand study space

April 15, 2014

With early-stage construction at James Branch Cabell Library, some study spaces in Cabell have shifted and noise levels have risen.

Beginning Monday, April 21, the Academic Learning Commons offers an alternative quiet study space at a busy stage in the semester. It will extend its hours to 2 a.m.

The extended hours are organized and funded by the Office of the Vice Provost for Learning Innovation and Student Success in partnership with VCU Libraries. 

Some details:

  • Entry and exit after 10 p.m. is through the Floyd Avenue (Linden side) only.
  • VCU IDs will be checked after 10 p.m.
  • Security guards and housekeeping staff will be on duty.
  • Only the first and second floors of the Commons will be open.

Extended hours are Mondays-Thursdays through May 8.


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