
Events Archive: 2023-24

World AIDS Day: Explore the AIDS Quilt and Red Ribbon Giveaway


The National AIDS Memorial, in collaboration with the AIDS Quilt Touch team, has created an interactive platform that features all the panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. The first panels of the huge Quilt were stitched together nearly 35 years ago. Now, there are more than 50,000 panels with 105,000 names sewn into its fabric. This digital initiative aims to enable people everywhere to engage with the Quilt and see the expressions of love and the personal narratives woven into each panel.  

Explore this online rendition of the Quilt on Monday, Nov. 27 through Friday, Dec. 1 during open building hours and search for the names of friends or loved ones who may be commemorated in the Quilt. Help spread AIDS awareness and honor the dead and those living with AIDS/HIV by picking up a free, red ribbon to show your support. 

For special accommodations, or to register offline, please contact Ryan Pander, event manager, or 804-828-0593.